Casual Fine Dining with Starbucks Indonesia

Still remember Starbucks' Cranberry White Chocolate Mocha & friends? I bet you didn't have enough of them yet (like me!). But oh well, holiday season is over & now Starbucks Indonesia unveils its Winter series of F&B to keep us coming back for more. The Winter items are launched at different stages & times since January this year, and the last items will only be publicly available on 10th February.

Thanks to Starbucks, who invited us to the Casual Fine Dining with Starbucks Indonesia at its (recently-opened) Tempo Scan Tower store, I and other blogger friends had the chance to try out the entire Winter F&B series yesterday! Okay, no more suspense, I shall share with you the entire ensemble that Starbucks Indonesia has carefully & thoughtfully prepared for all of us this season!

Winter Featured Beverages:
  • Vanilla Latte 
  • Valencia Macchiato (tangy vanilla sensation with Valencia Honey Drizzle topping)
(make that double) Iced Valencia Macchiato
Winter Food 2012:
  • Starbucks Fruit Toast (mix of dried fruits & nuts, irresistible with butter!)
  • Mango Lychee Layered Cake (with a local twist! Look out for the Lapis Legit outer layer)
  • Tokyo Cheese Danish (with sweet cream cheese filling)
  • Chicken Caesar Wrap (who says you can't enjoy salad? and you won't need a fork to eat this) --> THIS IS MY CHAMPION =D
  • Tuna TomatoWrap (please don't request the barista to warm the wraps up, they're meant to be eaten chilled!)
Tokyo Cheese Danish IDR 21,000
Background: Mango Lychee Layered Cake IDR 30,000
Foreground: Starbucks Fruit Toast IDR 19,000
Background: Tokyo Cheese Danish IDR 21,000 & Chicken Caesar Wrap IDR 33,000
Foreground: Tuna Tomato Wrap IDR 33,000
Winter roast: Guatemala Casi Cielo
The name Casi Cielo, which means "almost heaven", is such for apparently several reasons: the coffee beans are grown on very high altitude (as if reaching to the heaven) to produce high quality beans (which gives the heavenly sensation in every sip). The coffee tasted smooth and full-bodied with chocolatey & lemoney sensation.
Guatemala Casi Cielo
Last but not least, all of us walked away with a cup of White Chocolate Mocha (hot), media kit for the Winter F&B Series, and a goodie bag! I don't (and never) wish to show off, but I suppose you'd be curious about what's inside the goodie bag, tadah:
Starbucks 2012 Planner, Media Kit, mug, Chicken Caesar Wrap, Tuna Tomato Wrap, Caramel Stroop Wafel, Starbucks Fruit Toast & a sampler of Guatemala Casi Cielo
It was my first time visiting the Starbucks store at the Tempo Scan Tower in Rasuna Said, but I was rather impressed by the romantic decor (I kind of reminds me of the European cafe feel with heavy garden tables and elaborate chairs). However as it's located inside an office tower, this store doesn't operate 24 hours. But hey! There are hundred+ more stores all around Indonesia to answer your sudden craving for Starbucks =).

Starbucks at Tempo Scan Tower
JL. H.R Rasuna Said (right next to Gran Melia Hotel)
Ground Floor (lobby)


  1. huaaa iri~~~ gara2 lagi diluar kota jd ndak bisa join huhuhuhu :(
    mango lychee layered cakenya g uda pnrh cobain, enak, ga bikin eneg

  2. ya ampyunnnn cepet banget loe !!!
    btw have fun ya di bangkok nanti :D gw intip review loe deh haha

  3. @anakjajan: Iya, we all missed you last night =( LAgi jalan2 di luar kota ya? wenak dong? ga sabar nunggu review kuliner di luar Jkt dr Anak Jajan negh hehe =P

    @Cindy: Yoi, mumpung ad wktu semalem...dan mumpung masih fresh di otak semua rasa makanannya =D

  4. ini apa-apaan isi goodie bag nya???? parahhh super envyyyy :( too bad I had to missed it :(
    anyway great pics and review! mau ke bangkok ya? reviews nya ditunggu! D

  5. Real time bloggerr!!!!! Paraahhh..skalian deh chubby blog di update juga :P

  6. @irene: Iya hehe, goodie bag nya membuat terlena lhooo =P LOL! Yes, will update about my Thai culinary adventures after I'm back =)

    @Cilla: Hehe...hayoo...chubby blog di update juga dongg...jiayooo!

  7. wah ke bangkok ya asiknyaaaa, aku kangen jajanan disana :(



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