Kwetiaw Sapi Mangga Besar 78

Fans of kwetiaw (flat rice noodles), have certainly heard about this legendary establishment that started cooking luscious beef kwetiaws since 1973. Today, it has opened several branches around Jakarta, in areas that are known to be dominated by the Chinese Indonesian community such as Pluit and Kelapa Gading.

That evening I went to its first store at Mangga Besar Raya. The place is busy, but not claustrophobic, we could get a table rightaway. For non-beef lovers, worry not because they serve not only beef. There's also seafood and if you don't feel like having kwetiaw, you can choose something else, such as bihun (vermicelli rice noodles), noodles and rice. They even serve a few variations besides the conventional stir-fried kwetiaw, such as: siram (gravy), kuah (soup), siram telor (gravy with egg), and yam (boiled and stirred with oil).

I ordered the Kwetiaw Sapi Siram (beef kwetiaw with thick egg gravy). Compared to what Tommy had: the Kwetiaw Sapi Goreng (stir-fried beef kwetiaw), I still preferred mine, which tasted smoother. Although I personally still prefer the kwetiaw elsewhere, there must be something about the kwetiaw to keep people coming back for more, right?

Tommy said the kwetiaw used to be a lot more oily and much cheaper. I guess, in order to keep the loyal customers around (alive) longer, they have to consider using less oil now. Don't want anybody's cholesterol to shoot up after eating here, which might send them to their graves early, no? LMFAO (sorry...what a dark joke!) =P

This store itself feels like a one-stop restaurant, where you can find (Chinese style) appetizers and desserts. Inside here, there are other vendors selling cold dessert such as Iced mung bean, Ice Durian, etc, and traditional kuehs (bite sized traditional cakes made of rice flour) and other types of cakes to complete your feast. Nom nom!
Kwetiaw Sapi Goreng without babat (beef innards) IDR 30,000
Kwetiaw Sapi Siram Telor without babat IDR 30,000
Common sight in Chinese street food stalls: tattooed and muscular chef
*) This is street food, so no taxes charged. You pay what you see on the menu. =)

Kwetiaw Sapi Mangga Besar 78
JL. Mangga Besar Raya No. 78 D (hint: traffic light crossroad)
Jakarta Barat - Indonesia
Ph: (021) 6295340


  1. Haven't tried them before, certainly will do. I a a huge fan of kwetiaw siram! :9

  2. belum pernah coba yang asli di mangbesnya malah..
    kalau di bbrp cabang dekat rumah udah pernah sih, dan setiap cabang rasanya beda, tergantung yang masak juga kayaknya...
    usually I order, kwetiaw goreng seafood :D

  3. @irene: Hi five! Viva kwetiaw siram =P

    @NiyaOke: masa sih? tiap cabang yang masak beda orang sih ya...hmm harusnya kalo pake nama yang sama, rasanya harus dibuat konsisten gitu...

  4. iya bener banget, setiap cabang rasa nya beda beda dikit. salah satu delivery favorit dirumah coz cepet en enak :) sering mesen di cabang muara karang secara emank tinggal disono hehe

  5. Oh, mereka juga ada delivery toh yg di muara karang? Nice =D jadi penasaran rasanya beda kaya gimana...



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